MartinPLUS® Installation Services Gets Rave Reviews From Happy Client
A power generating station needed to improve the performance of a vibratory feed chute. To improve the situation, MartinPLUS® Services installed an electric vibrator on the feeder pan. The crew also removed the existing UHMW lining and replaced the cables that suspend the vibrating pan. The new feeder and chutes work as projected.
Industrial Vibrators And Air Cannons Clear Blockage In Hopper
A steel plant was having trouble with iron ore sticking to the walls of the hopper. The wet and slightly sticky material would accumulate in the hopper creating a blockage. Production couldn’t run smoothly and the plant had to hire people to continuously knock material off the wall of hopper to keep the flow of material running smoothly.
Piston Vibrator Corrects Bottleneck And Decreases Shutdowns
The plant’s mixture of coal and shredded tires (TDF) hangs up on the feed hopper grizzley. The plant has removed several of the grizzley bars, creating a larger opening but material still hangs up. This bottleneck forces plant personnel to push the fuel mixture over the pit, and then get out of the loader to poke the pile through the grizzley with a shovel.