Innovative Utility Uses Conveyor Guards As Proactive Safety Measure
An innovative electric utility with an 80+ year history of delivering low-cost, reliable power wanted to implement measures to make its plant safer and take steps to ensure greater OSHA compliance by installing safety guards around its high-speed conveyor system. The solution needed to be in line with the company’s reputation as one of the most safety-conscious electricity providers in the nation.
Mina de Taconita, Centro Oeste dos EUA - Grades de Segurança - (conteúdo na integra em ingles)
The mine handles over 300 tons of crushed taconite per hour. Ore was continuously falling off of the belt, creating a safety hazard and putting workers in danger. The material spillage created the need for cleanup which is a dangerous maintenance task to perform since most conveyor accidents happen while performing maintenance and lubricating or checking the conveyor.
Arcelor Mittal, Michoacán, México - Grades de Proteção - (Conteúdo na íntegra em espanhol)
A plant had safety guards installed around the tail pulleys on some of its conveyors, fabricated with a heavy structural plate attached to the base of the conveyor frame. The main problem was their excessive weight and the difficulties encountered when they needed to be removed. This extended the time needed to service the pulleys and created a greater risk of injury or accident.
Planta de Cimento da Lafarge - França - Pontos de Transferência - (conteúdo na íntegra em inglês)
Lafarge Cement was experiencing excessive spillage from one of its conveyor belts. The material was a mix of sand and water. Every time the extractor started, a mixture of sand and water discharges and the conveyor belt could not contain the material, in its current design. Martin Engineering was called to inspect the system and recommended a complete upgrade of the transfer points.