Martin® Belt Cleaners Save Client Over $55,000 Per Year
Produtos usados Raspador QC1™ HD
Tipos de produtos usados Raspadores de Correia , Raspadores Primários
Indústria Reciclagem e Gestão de Resíduos
cliente Alcan Aluminum Corporation Greensboro, Georgia


Bales of aluminum scrap

Alcan Aluminum Corporation’s Greensboro Plant was unhappy with the performance of a competitor’s belt cleaners, and thought replacement blades were too costly. As a result of poor cleaning performance, plant employees were required to vacuum fugitive material from the conveyor pits two to three times per week, at a cost of $1,500 to $2,500 per vacuuming.


Martin® QC1™ Belt Cleaner

The plant purchased competitor replacement blades from Martin Engineering at a cost savings of over 50% per blade. The plant found the Martin® Replacement Blades lasted longer than the blades from the original supplier. Eventually, the plant switched to Martin® QC1™ Belt Cleaners supplied by Martin Engineering.


With the Martin Engineering cleaners installed, the improvement in cleaning efficiency has reduced the need to vacuum the conveyor pits to two or three cleanings per month, providing a cost savings of over $55,000 per year.


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