Produtos usados | Vedação ApronSeal™ , Grades de Proteção |
Tipos de produtos usados | Pontos de Transferência , Vedação da Correia , Suporte da Correia |
Indústria | Cimento |
cliente | Lafarge Decine 69, France |
Lafarge Cement on a site in the Rhône, was experiencing excessive spillage from one of its conveyor belts. The material was a mix of sand and water. Every time the extractor started, a mixture of sand and water discharges and the conveyor belt could not contain the material, in its current design.
Martin Engineering was called to inspect the system. Martin recommended a complete upgrade of the transfer points. Martin® ApronSeal™ Skirting was added to contain and guide the product along the belt. Martin® ApronSeal™ Skirting floats on the belt and self-adjusts to maintain an effective seal without maintenance. Martin® Impact Cradles were installed under the belt conveyor loading zone to absorb the force of falling material to prevent damage to the belt and structure and to help eliminate spillage. Martin® Slider Cradles were then installed under the skirtboard of a transfer point. Martin® Slider Cradles support the edges of the belt to eliminate sag, stabilize the belt’s path, and allow the effective sealing of the belt edge. Finally, Martin® Conveyor Guards were added to provide a safety barrier and prevent worker exposure to conveyor nip points and pinch point hazards.
The results of the upgrade have been very positive, with zero product loss and almost nonexistent offsets. In addition, the products make maintenance fast and easy.

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