Tipos de produtos usados | Raspadores de Correia |
Indústria | Mineração |
cliente | Kingston No. 2 Mine Fayette County, West Virginia |

Coal-carrying conveyors both above and below ground need to be cleaned to reduce operating problems and safety issues. Cleaning these belts can be difficult as the multiple mechanical splices on many belts will reduce cleaning efficiency and shorten blade life.

The Martin® O2 Cleaner features features tungsten carbide cleaning edges mounted in a patented adjustable blade holder that deflects to allow the passage of splices.

The Martin® O2 Cleaner has really done the job at Kingston No. 2 Mine," says Danny Hellmandollar, Superintendent. “We’ve been using them for about three years now, and I’ve been able to cut back the amount of man-hours we need to clean up around the belts,” he says. “The mine inspectors are pleased with our belts.”

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