SQC2S™ Cleaner

The Martin® SQC2S™ Secondary Belt Cleaner incorporates individually-cushioned tungsten carbide blades for effective conveyor belt cleaning without risk to belt, splice or blade.

Features and Benefits:

  • Rugged belt cleaner construction withstands punishing applications, like high-speed belts and high-tonnage loads
  • Patented rubber buffers maintain cleaning pressure while deflecting to allow splices to pass
  • Blade replacement is simple: remove pin, slide out cartridge, service and return
  • Compact secondary belt cleaner design allows installation in close quarters; narrow profile resists material buildup
  • Rubber buffers allow for reversal of belt direction without damage to belt


  • Suited for medium to heavy-duty applications, on belt widths from 18 to 96 inches (~400 to 2400 mm) operating at speeds up to 1000 fpm (5.1 m/sec)


  • Martin Engineering’s color-coded high performance urethanes available to suit application
  • Available with acid-resistant blades for belts with clips, acid-resistant for reversing belts, tungsten carbide or urethane
  • Farside Tension Adjuster also available

Our technicians and engineers are available to provide expert advice and assistance on this product and all of your bulk material handling questions and problems. Please contact us today and let us help!

Especificações do produto

Belt Width Up to 96 in (up to 2400 mm)
Belt Speed Up to 1000 fpm (up to 5.1 m/s)
Temperature Between -30 degrees F and 300 degrees F
Corrosive Conditions Yes
Underground Applications Yes
Compatible with Reversing Belts or Roll Back Yes
Accommodates Mechanical Splices Yes
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Novo Raspador Economiza Até 24 Horas Por Semana Em Tempo de Limpeza
Uma planta de agregados manuseia 1,5 milhão de toneladas de calcário por ano. Depois de enfrentar problemas de material de retorno em seus transportadores, eles queriam ter certeza de resolver o problema ao construir um novo transportador. A fábrica passou de 16 a 24 horas por semana, limpando. Houve também danos excessivos nos transportadores.
Leia o estudo de caso
Belt Cleaners Save Client $100K Per Year
The Springerville Generating Station handles 7 million tons of sub-bituminous coal per year. The coal yard was having problems with dust control, carryback and increasing wash down costs which negatively impacted the plant's production. Plant personnel were able to save more than $100,000 per year through the solution generated by the Martin team.
Leia o estudo de caso
Refinaria de coque - Mexico - Raspadores - (conteúdo na íntegra em inglês)
A petroleum coke refinery was experiencing spillage from materials adhering to the belt in the return. The operating staff had to manually clean the area and return the material back into the belt, creating unnecessary risk to workers and slowing down production, which increased operating costs.
Leia o estudo de caso

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Na Martin Engineering, quando entregamos e instalamos um produto que fabricamos, fazemos isso com a mais absoluta confiança de que é da mais alta qualidade no mercado, e que ele irá funcionar como prometido.

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