Produtos usados | Canhão de Ar Hurricane |
Tipos de produtos usados | Auxílio de Fluxo , Canhões de Ar |
Indústria | Usinas Termelétricas |
cliente | Coal-Fired Power plant in Northern US |

The plant handles ash and was experiencing material buildup on the sides of the hoppers. This created a safety concern for those employees who had to perform manual cleanup. Employee safety is important to management so they reached out to Martin Engineering to help eliminate buildup and the need for manual clean out.

Martin Engineering advised the plant to install four Martin® 70-Liter Hurricane Air Cannons on each hopper to aid in removing the material buildup. The plant agreed and ended up having four air cannon installed on each hopper, for a total of eight Martin® Hurricane Air Cannons.
To date, the plant is very satisfied with the performance of the air cannons. This significantly improved plant efficiency and productivity. They no longer need to clean the hoppers by hand during shutdowns.

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