Termeletrica - EUA - Serviços - (conteúdo na íntegra em inglês)
Produtos usados Raspador QC1™ XHD , Tracker™
Tipos de produtos usados Raspadores de Correia , Pontos de Transferência , Alinhamento da Correia , Raspadores Primários
[unset] Walk The Belt™
Indústria Usinas Termelétricas
cliente Coal-Fired Power Plant in Midwestern US


O patenteado projeto do ângulo "CARP" (Ângulo de Constante Pressão Radial) mantém o desempenho do raspador em todas as suas etapas.

The plant handles 1,000,000 tons of PRB coal per year and was experiencing carryback and belt wander on the rail unloading belt feeders. The carryback was reducing efficiency and profitability and increasing maintenance and cleanup expenses. The buildup of material on rolling components was also contributing to increased power consumption and the wandering belt. Unsafe working conditions were a concern due to material accumulation on floors and walkways, creating slip/trip hazards along with fire hazards.


The Martin® Tracker™ provides immediate, continuous precision adjustment of wandering conveyor belts

After analyzing results from the MartinPLUS® Walk the Belt™, a detailed inspection of the entire conveyor system, Martin recommended upgrading the existing belt cleaners to properly remove carryback and installing lower trackers to resolve the belt tracking issues. Martin provided two primary belt cleaners, the Martin® QC1™ Cleaner XHD and two heavy-duty lower Martin® Trackers™.


Service technicians inspect and analyze the conveyor system while looking for opportunities for improvement.

In addition to resolving the carryback and belt tracking issues, Martin's upgrades improved maintenance planning and conveyor availability as emergency outages and unscheduled downtime were drastically reduced. Therefore, maintenance expenses were lowered and working conditions and plant safety were improved as well.


PDF - Printable Version of Case Study Download
Brochure - Coal-Fired Power Plants Download
Brochure - Belt Cleaners Download
Brochure - Transfer Point Solutions Download
Brochure - MartinPLUS® Services Download
Brochure - Martin Engineering Corporate Profile Download

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