Planta de Geração de Energia Precisa de um Sistema de Manuseio de Materiais a Granel Mais Limpo, Mais Seguro e Mais Produtivo


This is a typical transfer point at Alcoa’s Warrick Power Plant before the MartinPLUS® Services reconstruction project.

The Warrick Power Plant is operated by the Alcoa Generating Company to supply electricity for smelting operations at Alcoa’s Warrick facility. The plant’s coal handling equipment needed reconstruction and improvement, including improved systems to control spillage and dust, to provide a cleaner, safer and more productive coal handling system.


Following the project, transfer points at the Alcoa’s Warrick Power Plant featured new chute work, improved support and skirting systems.

Crews from MartinPLUS® Services performed the reconstruction of all 16 transfer points in the Warrick Power Plant coal handling system. The actual working time was roughly nine weeks, but to avoid any interference with Alcoa production schedules, it was performed during the plant’s periodic schedule outages in a six-month period.

At each transfer point, the project included:

  • Removal of existing chute walls and skirtboard
  • Removal of existing idlers and impact roll assemblies
  • Installation of new chute wall with supports, covers and Martin® Wear Liner
  • Installation of Martin® Slider Cradles with center support rollers
  • Installation of Martin® ApronSeal™ Skirting with clamps
  • Installation of a Martin® Tail Sealing Box
  • Installation of Martin® Dust Curtains and Martin® Dust Bags

Additionally, the work included the removal of the existing chute and flop-gate assembly. MartinPLUS® Services crews field-fabricated stainless steel pulley guard assemblies for the 10 conveyors in the coal handling system.


The transfer point reconstruction project has dramatically improved plant conditions by controlling dust, eliminating material spillage, controlling dust and improving belt tracking. The MartinPLUS® Services crews received high marks for their efforts from Warrick Plant personnel.


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Brochure - Coal-Fired Power Industry Download
Brochure - Dust Management Download
Brochure - Transfer Point Solutions Download
Brochure - MartinPLUS® Services Download
Brochure - Martin Engineering Corporate Profile Download

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